Universal Chair Raiser

The product can be fitted on site to any style chair including high back or standard armchairs. The raiser is light and can be transported and installed/fitted by 1 person in less than 10 minutes. The compact design means that it can be easily serviced, recycled, and stored taking up minimal space.

Loan stores have several issues supplying riser recliner chairs, including cost, ability to recycle and store them as they take up vast amount of storage. Logistically it also requires 2 people to deliver and commission them. As most clients only require the chair to stand This makes the raiser an ideal option.

Features and Benefits

  • 3 Positional settings – Can be used with end users of all heights
  • SWL of 200 KG – maximum user weight of 160KG
  • Universal chair fixing – Can be fitted to any domestic armchair or high back chair, regardless of if they are wood or metal construction
  • Above means the service user can use their own furniture which will mean they can blend it into the décor of the house
  • Designed to get a service user into a standing position for transfer from their main chair
  • Easily fitted on site in 10-15 minutes
  • 1 person installation. All recliner chairs require 2 people to deliver and install
  • Compact and easy to carry into the property
  • Compact and easy to store and clean. Ideal for a loan store to recycle without taking up the space of Riser recliner chairs. Saves money on cleaning and time
  • No other product like it on the current market
  • Approximately half the price of a standard Riser Recliner chair
  • Robust and reliable Linak actuator – Proven reliable technology
  • Delivered from Stock.